Nitriding steels are special tempered steels that are particularly suitable for nitriding due to the alloying elements Al, Cr and Mo. These chemical elements act as nitride formers. Nitriding steels have a carbon content of C = 0.31 - 0.41%. When nitriding, the surface is treated with nitrogen. To do this, the steel is annealed in a nitrogen-emitting medium (gas / liquid). Extremely hard nitrides form, which make the surface wear-resistant. Below you 'll find steel materials which belongs to material group: "Nitriding steels"

Steel Materials of group: Nitriding Steels
Steel Material Groups
- Aging resistant steels
- Bake hardening steels
- Bearing steels
- Case hardening steels
- Cold extrusion steels
- Complex phase steels
- Dual phase steels
- Fine-grain cold pressed steels
- Fine-grain structural steels
- Free cutting steels
- Heat resistant steels
- Heat-resistant cast steels
- Heat-resistant structural steels
- Heating conductor alloys
- High-speed steels
- High-strength multi-phase steels
- High-strength steels
- High-temperature steels
- High-temperature steels / aviation variant
- Higher strength steels
- Hydrogen resistant steels
- Low-temperature steels
- Low-temperature structural steels
- Microalloyed steels
- Nickel and cobalt alloys
- Nitriding steels
- Non-magnetizable steels
- Others
- Phosphorus alloyed steels
- Precipitation hardening steels
- Quenched and tempered steels
- Rust and acid resistant cast steels
- Rust and acid resistant steels
- Sheet metal and slit strip
- Special steels aviation and aerospace
- Special steels for defense technology
- Spring steels
- Steels for surface hardening
- Tool steels for cold work
- Tool steels for hot work
- Unalloyed bearing steels
- Unalloyed structural steels
- Unalloyed tool steels / carbon steels
- Valve steels
- Weatherproof structural steels