Material Information Sheet

X2CrNiN23-4, SIS 2327, S 32304, AFNOR Z2CN23-04AZ
The material 1.4362 belongs to the material group "Rust And Acid Resistant Steels". We also have the chemical analysis of 1.4362 available for you below. The material "1.4362" contains Chrome, Copper, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Silicon and Sulfur. For the future we plan to add mechanical properties of "1.4362", complete data-sheets as well as a PDF-Download for you to download. For now you can easyily inquire this steel-material without obligation by using our contact-form. For correct determination of the shipping costs we need your shipping address. Please keep in mind that a detailed calculation can take a few days, depending on quantity, shipping-adress as well as forms and materials. We will contact you in any case.

Chemical Composition - Mass Fraction in Percent (%)


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