Weatherproof structural steel is a group of structural steels that form a weather-resistant cover layer (patina) through the addition of very small amounts of chromium, copper, nickel or phosphorus. Because these alloy components are so small (less than 1%), these steels differ only very little from the usual structural steels apart from their weather resistance. The chemical composition of the weatherproof steels is similar to that of structural steels, which is why they are included in EN 10025-5. The designation of the weatherproof structural steels, which because of their low contamination with undesirable elements, such as sulfur according to EN 10020, belong to the stainless steels, is used there analogously to the unalloyed structural steels. The last letter is followed by a W for weatherproof or WP for phosphorus alloyed weatherproof steels: S235J2W is consequently a weatherproof structural steel with a yield strength of 235 N / mm². In Germany, however, only steels that are not phosphorus alloyed are approved by the building authorities according to Building Regulations List A. The phosphorus-alloyed steels are in principle also suitable for welding, but special precautions should be taken with them. Weatherproof steels, also called COR-TEN steels, are mainly used in architecture, sculptures and visible steel construction. apartəˈpärt Übersetzungen für apart AdverbHäufigkeit auseinander apart, asunder beiseite aside, apart, to one side, on one side Definitionen von apart Adverb 1 (of two or more people or things) separated by a distance; at a specified distance from each other in time or space. The lights were spaced three feet apart , just enough to cast an eerie glow over the stairs. Synonyme: away from each otherdistant from each other 2 to or on one side; at a distance from the main body. their religious commitment sets them apart Synonyme: to one sideasideseparatelyaloneby oneself/itself 3 so as to be shattered; into pieces. I was going to take her words apart piece by piece. Synonyme: to piecesto bitsupasunder Beispiele für apart A side-yard garden is a world unto itself, so consider ways of setting it apart . 29 weitere Beispiele Synonyme für apart Adjektiv isolated Adverb to piecesseparatelyto one sideaway from each otherasideasunder 11 weitere Synonyme Below you 'll find steel materials which belongs to material group: "Weatherproof structural steels"

Steel Materials of group: Weatherproof Structural Steels
Steel Material Groups
- Aging resistant steels
- Bake hardening steels
- Bearing steels
- Case hardening steels
- Cold extrusion steels
- Complex phase steels
- Dual phase steels
- Fine-grain cold pressed steels
- Fine-grain structural steels
- Free cutting steels
- Heat resistant steels
- Heat-resistant cast steels
- Heat-resistant structural steels
- Heating conductor alloys
- High-speed steels
- High-strength multi-phase steels
- High-strength steels
- High-temperature steels
- High-temperature steels / aviation variant
- Higher strength steels
- Hydrogen resistant steels
- Low-temperature steels
- Low-temperature structural steels
- Microalloyed steels
- Nickel and cobalt alloys
- Nitriding steels
- Non-magnetizable steels
- Others
- Phosphorus alloyed steels
- Precipitation hardening steels
- Quenched and tempered steels
- Rust and acid resistant cast steels
- Rust and acid resistant steels
- Sheet metal and slit strip
- Special steels aviation and aerospace
- Special steels for defense technology
- Spring steels
- Steels for surface hardening
- Tool steels for cold work
- Tool steels for hot work
- Unalloyed bearing steels
- Unalloyed structural steels
- Unalloyed tool steels / carbon steels
- Valve steels
- Weatherproof structural steels